Originally Posted By: jonnynonos
What Ricobenes' is saying jibes with the most in the know people I've ever spoken to about the Chicago mob.

The academic/outsiders always peg Accardo as the big mastermind boss, but the people who have street knowledge--and by that I mean basically were related to a member of the mob--say he was really just an overseer and uninolved.

They also are all largely enamored, as seen here, with the psychopath Mooney Giancana.

Well, it depends on what time frame you are talking about. Was Accardo just an overseer and uninvolved when he was in his 70s and 80s? Yeah, I think so too. Was he just an overseer and uninvolved in the 1950s, 1960s and early 1970s? Absolutely not. Together with Ricca, he was the one who appointed bosses (Giancana, Alderisio, Aiuppa). This is documented.

No one is going to take Ricobenes seriously if he keeps on telling outright lies. First he was the son of Lapietra. Then he was not. Now he´s the nephew of Infelice and whatnot. Who´s going to believe him? Why post a bunch of crap on here and expect he can get away with it? I want to regard this forum seriously and with respect. He should do the same.

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