Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
You should write a book.
I just might. wink

"Seemingly simple gadget"... lol Not to a guy, they're not. They can figure out all kinds of electronics and mechanical things, just not if it's in a kitchen. tongue Thank God I don't have a brother... every time I'm at my cousin's house and he's doing anything in the kitchen, he always breaks something or almost burns the house down. He's set their toaster on fire like 3 or 4 times, by trying to make toast. They're always buying new toasters at that house. rolleyes If my aunt is home, he's not even allowed in the kitchen, it makes her too nervous. lol

Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
My little sister attempted to microwave one of those "Cup o' Noodles"....without putting any water in it.
I guess it's not just guys... lol