No, just no, on all accounts. The Outfit most certainly had consigliere position, the most notable was Tony Accardo.

Tony Accardo wasn't fit to sniff Giancana's butt crack, let alone be mentioned in the same sentence as fucking Paulie Ricca or Joey Obrien. Giancana was the most successful boss the Outfit ever had in terms of garnering power & gathering men. He established a proper heroin connection for the Outfit, completely constricted the unions, and most of all put Pat Marcy & the Rotis in power of the 1st ward. he happened to become boss during a devastating time, when surveillance was evolving at the speed of light & indictments were being handed down like it was going out of style.

Tony Accardo was a great mind, no doubt, and his longevity is pretty staggering, but he was a flip flopper that worked with feds and went with whomever was popular at the time. he never ran a crew or gave the decision on anything. He was a consigliere, a top advisor and a mediator.

One of the reasons people are misinformed are obviously the feds bogus information, but also due to Roemer himself talking up accardo because JB was the only one out of the upper echelon guys that treated him civilly. Giancana made it known on many different occasions that he would murder and possibly torture roemer without any hesitation if he was alone with him.

Anyways, all that is poppycock regardless. JB was never a top boss, end of story