The life and times of DSC-
-I cant breathe. My tongue feels like it has swollen, my throat is raw, forget about breathing through my nose, I'm sucking down cough drops right and left, etc etf. I was getting better, but now I'm much worse. I had a drink from my girlfriend's glass yesterday(which I never do.) She assured me she wasnt sick anymore, but she called me up today and told me that the doctors told her she still has mono. Fucking great. Thats what I have to look forward to. Not to mention that I'm freezing cold.
-With the snow we got , my friends and I went to ride some handrails. I caught on one and went flying into the ground. Somehow, my goggles got shoved between my eye balls and sockets, so now my right eyes is swollen. But it hasnt bruised. I figure if its going to swell up, and I have to endure the pain, the least it could do was turn black. Actually the whole right side of my body is pretty much immoveable.
- I am stuck doing this goddamn busy work (which I thought would end at the 'college level") for a fucking geography class that I would love to drop, but I'm afraid I missed the deadline
-My younger brother is doing (apperently) very bad in school, and my parents wont stop calling me! As though I have something to do with it, or can somehow get him to "mend his ways". Either way, I've been kicked of the internet 3 times by thier phone calls since I got home

There is my rant. There are a few good things happening in my life right now, I just cant remember what they are.

If winners never lose, well, then a loser sure can sing the blues.