Originally Posted By: FrankGaglianoJR
its not just NYPD im talking cops as a whole like 80% are scumbags. You do have your cops who are doing WHAT WE ARE PAYING THEM to do... others are just abusing their power. Had a cop spit a dip wad on my freshly cleaned lincoln today btw after he pulled me over because he thought i was texting when i was actually looking at my GPS to see where the hell i was going. So he apologized by spitting dip on my car then when i confronted him about it he said " Thats why they have a thing called a car wash " then he said if i opened my mouth again he was going to "kick my ass".

I reported him by the way. however im sure he will finger bang the next woman he frisk. fuckin dirtbag

Well cops in Belgium mostly give it large in areas were a lot of goody-goody students live or troop together to go out for a night in the city. In these places cops give a ticket to or arrest any student who is caught drinking on the street or who they assume is starting trouble ( which is very often not the case ). I don't live in this kind of student-oriented area but I've seen it countless of times...cops who start to bitch about every little thing.
Cops in Belgium however...shit themselves when they have to go near Brussels. Crying and depressed cops who used to work in Brussels have been all over the news lately. It's embarrassing.