Dominic Violi and the Calabrians from Hamilton are the main power now (or one of the three if you subscribe to the Consortium triumvirate power sharing commitee). That is who the people in Quebec think it is. The war with the Rizzutos was retaliation for the murder of Paolo Violi and for pushing them out of Montreal in the first place.

Whatever, the Hell's Angels and West End Gang have managed to keep a low profile media wise until now even though it is widely known by those on the ground that they have had a major role to play in this conflict whether directly or indirectly.

What is also clear is that the trimvirate power sharing commitee is still carrying on, business as usual and given the low rate of detection so far the West End Gang will be kicking themselves that they've taken a big casualty just as Maloney was about to get set up in Lower Mainland.

The Irish and Hell's Angels have got to stop this wild cowboy bullshit if they want to stay out of the joint. Same as in NYC, always brawling with Cops for some reason.

But not only are they acting like wild cowboys they're debt collecting on behalf of one, according to the mysteriously named "cowboy" who Lawrence Cooney was collecting repayments for recently. Sounds like a line he fed the authorities to me as they don't appear to have any other info regarding this other West End Gang "cowboy" but it made the print nonetheless.:-A man prosecutors portrayed as a thuggish enforcer for Montreal's West End Gang was denied bail Tuesday on extortion and assault charges, with the judge calling him a threat to public safety.

'Lawrence Cooney is accused of brutally beating a compulsive gambler who owed $20,000 to one of Cooney's associates, a man named Cowboy.

Three years ago, the poker player borrowed the money, and had repaid $15,000 to Cowboy within seven months when he was told those payments were just the interest'.

Proof if ever needed that the Irish and Outlaw bikers are a bunch of wild cowboyslol

Last edited by SEAN_SOUTH; 11/03/12 09:58 AM. Reason: Staying on topic

'So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” Anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker. It’s a simple philosophy, but it’s always worked in our family.'

George Carlin