Originally Posted By: klydon1
Has anyone received word from Don Cardi? I understand he lives in Staten Island, which was hit very hard. Also, I haven't seen anything from SC in a few days.

90 percent of Long Island lost their power. SC might not have electricity for a few days. Maybe even a week.

We got hammered in the East Bronx. I live right on the water but we didn't flood too bad (thank God). The power came back on this morning. Shockingly fast. I have close friends in Breezy Point, Queens who lost their home frown.

This is the worst natural disaster I've ever seen. I was in Florida a week or so after Hurricane Andrew in 1992, and that was more widespread, but this is the worst I've ever lived through firsthand.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.