Originally Posted By: southphilly old head
i cant get into Margate and been trying to call my neighbor all day, i hope that area and all affected by it manage through it. Marycas im glad everthing eventually worked out for you and your family!!

Thanks SOH. You still can't get on the island and if you do get off they won't let you back on. Lots of water. It might drain quite a bit today. SILs store is still closed. No electric. If I hear anything today, I'll post. I made it to work today.

Niece lost two cars. Oak came down and got both in the driveway; one completely flattened. Two trees in the back yard and they both missed the house. This was in High Bridge, NJ.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12