ComfortablySmug, the Twitter name who falsely reported (and later picked up by the blogosphere and media) for perverse kicks and giggles that the Stock Exchange flooded and total Manhattan blackout, is the sort of asshole you wish somebody would beat up. The sort of douche who would yell "fire!" in a movie theatre. Too bad the anonymous nature of the Internet protects your identity.


What @comfortablysmug didn’t count on, apparently, was losing that anonymity. Based on photos he censored and posted to the account but I found unedited elsewhere, @comfortablysmug is Shashank Tripathi, a hedge-fund analyst and the campaign manager of Christopher R. Wight, this year’s Republican candidate for the U.S. House from New York’s 12th congressional district. FEC documents show Wight has paid Tripathi thousands of dollars this election cycle as a "consultant." @comfortablysmug has been a vocal supporter of Mitt Romney and posted tweets suggesting he attended this year’s Republican convention. He’s listed here by a local Republican group coordinating volunteers for a Romney phone bank.

Anybody up for putting quarters in their socks?