Originally Posted By: jace
Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
Does the term media bias not make you wonder when your becoming informed? Being here in the actual enviorment is quite different than an internet connection. And yes I do take things personal when you "knock my argument down" it wasnt an argument just an opionion based on personel experience, not an internet plug in. Im sure you would be offended if I tore down surfers, people of whom i have never meet! And it has zero to do with my "button", which is anither example that shows you believe everything you read. You honestly believe these guys talkvlike that? Do they also use the code word "whach a guy"? My opinions have zero to do with an article I read, some BS story I heard or my "button" it has to do with someone who has NO clue about a group of people and states his opinion as a fact.

There is a media bias in all stories. It's obvious in some cases they can go further and get away with it, Mafia stories are one example.

There's bias all over the place.
Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
Does the term media bias not make you wonder when your becoming informed? Being here in the actual enviorment is quite different than an internet connection. And yes I do take things personal when you "knock my argument down" it wasnt an argument just an opionion based on personel experience, not an internet plug in. Im sure you would be offended if I tore down surfers, people of whom i have never meet! And it has zero to do with my "button", which is anither example that shows you believe everything you read. You honestly believe these guys talkvlike that? Do they also use the code word "whach a guy"? My opinions have zero to do with an article I read, some BS story I heard or my "button" it has to do with someone who has NO clue about a group of people and states his opinion as a fact.

Of course I don't believe everything that I read; just like I hope you don't believe everything you hear on the streets. And don't discount the power of an internet connection; there are people who earn advanced degrees from well-known academic institutions solely via the internet. I'm not saying it's the end-all-be-all of everything, but it is a powerful tool.
And I have no knowledge of surfing or surfers (generalize much?) even though I live in So. Cal.
And the thing is, you living in a certain area of New York doesn't automatically mean that you will have an honest, unbiased, and realistic opinion about what you see or hear on a daily basis. Furthermore, info that you get from a guy who knows a guy or from a guy who has to go see a guy about a thing over there doesn't mean that you have better or more accurate info about organized crime than a guy like me sitting on the West Coast. Don't street guys like to embellish or stretch the truth a little? Do neighborhood legends and stories tend to grow and distort over time? Don't mistake proximity for accuracy.
I think I'd put more stock in FBI surveillance and audio tapes, informants, and government turncoats than I would in the average guy on the street who knows a few people.
I mean, you may know more about a lot of things than I do, but it's not an absolute. You have an opinion, I have mine. You don't think I'm qualified to have my opinion, I think I am.
I guess we are stuck.