Originally Posted By: JCrusher
Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
At the time of the murders, Jimmy Eppolito Sr was a soldier in Gaggi´s crew. To take out his captain, without a permission, would have been an extremely stupid thing to do. Castellano would have figured it out if his right hand (basically) one day after a sitdown between Gaggi and the Eppolitos, suddenly went missing.
Remember guys (and I really feel that this should be addressed more often), this is the Mafia we are talking about. Organized crime with rules, protocol, structure and tradition. Not some trigger happy street gang!

Hairy i value your opinions and am always impressed by your information However the traditions/rules havent existed for a long time. I mean i've seen so many former mobsters who have said taht the traditions/rules are mostly fantasy at least in the past 30 years

Thank you for your kind words. I respect all kinds of opinions but do have a problem when facts get twisted around and sometimes ignored or when people atate a lie and turn it into a fact. That´s when I react. It has nothing to do with this particular thread though.

Some of the tradition is lost. You are right about that. But other parts of the tradition is not. Today it seems that discipline and obedience among the ranking members are as strong as ever. They still obey their bosses and we have not seen many murders the last 10-15 years or so. Without discipline, the Mafia would have been the wild, wild west today with all the members looking to knock eachother off, grabbing what´s not theirs whether it´s money or position.
The NY Mafia is still very much a tight run ship with rules and tradition today. Even if it was more so back in 1979, when the Eppolito murders occured (or let´s say, when the Eppolitos decided to obey Castellano´s ruling).

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