MONTREAL - Vito Rizzuto, presumed godfather of the Montreal Mafia, is back in the city and is preparing to avenge the death of three of his relatives, according to data collected by TVA News Friday.

According to sources, Vito Rizzuto possess not only a permanent home in the city, but it would also take delivery of an armored vehicle with a value of more than $ 100,000.

"The [findings] can be drawn from this information, there are three categories, says expert police investigations TVA Nouvelles, Richard Dupuis. The first is that he knows that his life is in danger and he wants to protect. The second is that it will remain in Montreal. And the third is that it is not an easy prey. Therefore, it is not the hunting, but in war mode. "

In addition to travel safely, Vito Rizzuto benefit from a luxurious pied-à-terre to secure downtown Montreal, his house on the rue Antoine-Berthelet is still uninhabited.

The former mobster has also formed a small clan to carry out an operation of revenge against those responsible for the murder of his eldest son and his father, which occurred while he was detained in the penitentiary at Florence, Colorado .

Nicolo Rizzuto Jr. was shot dead in the street in December 2009 and the father of Vito Rizzuto, Nicolo, was executed in November 2010 at his residence in Avenue Antoine-Berthelet in Montreal.
Two weeks ago, TVA News reported that the ex-mobster was seen in Montreal. At the same time a wave of attacks with Molotov cocktails exploded in the cafes of the city.

Vito Rizzuto left the penitentiary in Florence on October 5, after serving a sentence of less than six years for conspiracy and gangsterism in connection with the murders of three "capital" (captain) of the Bonanno crime family in 1981