Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti
George Anastashia being threatned by Stanfa was George just promoting himself, I know it was caught on wiretap and all that but that idiot talks about it like it happend yesterday...

Stanfa wanted one of his guys to throw a couple hand grenades through a window at George Anastasia's house. One of the guys that flipped testified about it.

Anastasia was asked about it and here's his comments on it.

Q: How did you first find out there was a hit on you?

A: When [mobster Sergio] Battaglia started to cooperate [with the FBI] I got a call from his wife and she said, "There's going to be some stuff [coming out] and Sergio wants to let you know it's nothing personal." Then an FBI document surfaced during the second round of the Stanfa trial and there was this page in there about when he was supposed to kill me. When I was doing stories about Stanfa I used to call up Continental Food Distribution Center, where he worked, and ask for him. They usually said he wasn't there, but apparently that pissed him off. I didn't know I was pissing him off. Stanfa has that Sicilian mentality. In Sicily they kill journalists and prosecutors. If you're not with them, you're against them.