Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
"the mafia prey on the weak" statements make me sick. You sit here and spend time making moral high ground statements. Why do you have thousands of comments on the subjects and the people? You make it sound like there mugging old ladies, taking Holloween candy from kids. It's a business, everyone who gets involved with them knows the deal. There are plebty of "normal people" who have made a living and provided for their families working with these guys. Prior to banks lending money to anyone and everyone within the last 10-15 years these guys provided a service. You'll pay dearly from use of that service but it is available. Even today if your short on a Thursday for payroll the next day see how many banks would help you out. Same as gambling, you want to play they give you the outlet, you play over your head that's your fault. Plain and simple they provide services. PREY ON THE WEAK, I can't tell you how aggravated those types of statements make me. So hypocritical, why are you here? You a preacher? Speaking of preying on the weak, being from Australia do you say the same to the farmers with the way they treat there sheep? Prey on the weak! That's such a disgusting statement.

Ill agree that gambling and loansharking aint that big of a deal and people know what there getting themselves in for but i think your jumping the gun a bit. To tottally dismiss the idea that they prey on the weak is practically like ignoring their entire history dating back to the black hand gangs.