Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
I think Capeci´s claim has merit. I can´t remember when Capeci actually was dead wrong on something stated in his ganglandnews column. Does anybody remember when this last happened?
I think Capeci´s sources primarily comes from somebody in LE.
gotta agree with this as i can't remember him ever stating anything major without having his ducks in a row. he sees to have many different credible sources as writers like him and george anastasia aren't in the habit of throwing wild accusations out there as they make there living on thier credibility. this is not to say that from time to time they might sensationalize things a bit, but that is to be expected in that line of work. the only problem i have with george is his stupid "make money, not headlines " analogy that seems to have worn out its welcome a long time ago!

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!