To start off this tale let me apologize in advance to my friend xxx_don_corleone_xxx if this offends him in any way as a fellow WalMart worker

I go into WalMart around midnight so I can get my hands on a copy of both Sin City and The 40-Year-Old Virgin on DVD. Well, it takes them until about 12:30 just to get the DVD's out and the workers were very helpful in asking what I was looking for. I told them and they immediately gave me a copy of The 40-Year-Old Virgin. I had originally gone there just to get Sin City since I've been waiting 8 months for this DVD. Well, 1 fellow checks the back says they must be locked in the manager's office (just THIS particular DVD mind you, no other titles) and says to come back when the manager arrives at 7:15am. Worker #2 says he took all the DVD's outta the manager's office and put them out. Worker #3 (who gave me The 40-Year-Old Virgin DVD) looked and was VERY helpful, but ultimately couldn't find it either. So now I've gotta make another trip up whenever I wake up just to get the Sin City DVD. F'n WalMart mad