Originally Posted By: Antonio
Wait, Are the Corsican Mafia groups made of like Italians, French, Arabs and that I suppose classifies Corsican's for you. Because when I looked through it's history and up to date events there were loads of Italian Names in it. Also are the Italians strong in Corsica? Is there lot's of Mafia to?

No the Corsican Mafia clans are all ethnically Corsicans. Corsicans in some way are related to Sardinians, but there is also Tuscan and Ligurian admixture. So you can say they are an 'Italic' type of people, but still different from mainland Italians and Sicilians (just like the Sardinians are different from other Italians). Corsicans have surnames that resemble the Italian surnames. Like Orsini, Mariani, Fabiani, Casabianca, Lucioni,...their first names are French ( Marcel, Pascal, Antoine,...).
The Italian mafia groups aren't strong in Corsica, I doubt they are even active over there. There are however Italian clans active in Grenoble, Marseille,... . Corsican mafia clans are also very active in the Cote d'Azur.
As for 'Arabs'. There are North African ( mostly Algerian and Moroccan ) criminal gangs active everywhere from Paris to Marseille. 60% of them are low-level petty criminals, but the other 40% of the criminals in their community is very organized and extremely brutal. They bring in tons of narcotics ( mostly hashish ), are involved in the weapon trade, extortion, prostitution, contract killings,... Ethnically they aren't 'Arabs', in fact the Algerians and Moroccans living in Europe are almost always ethnic Berbers. Berbers have more in common with Mediterranean people than with Arabs and they hate it when someone calls them 'Arabs'.
There are also lots and lots of Manush gangsters active from Paris to Marseille. Manush mostly work together with the North Africans and indulge in the same criminal activities. Some are also petty criminals, while others are organized criminals. Manush are French Gypsies of Sinti background. They have been living in France for about 600 years. They are way different from the Roma gypsies, whom they mostly hate with a passion lol
While Italian mobs mostly lay low in France and do alot of money laundering, gambling,...as well as smuggling drugs, the Corsicans, North Africans and Manush are 'renowned' for their brutality and ruthlessness. Just like the Camorra in Naples, a lot of Kalashnikov-shootings, torturings and burnings of rivals can be attributed to feuding Corsican clans in Corsica and Marseille and warring North African and Manush gangs in Marseille.