Originally Posted By: Frank
Originally Posted By: carmela
Originally Posted By: Frank
Carmela are you italian?

I'm American. My dad was born in Messina, Sicily and my mom was born in Czechoslovakia. I was born here.
My husband was born and raised in Agrigento, though, and he's the one that got me into watching this show, which is pretty good I think.

nice,that's why u undestand italian, he taught u to speak italian

My father spoke it a lot while I was growing up. Him and my grandparents, uncles on his side, spoke it often, so I heard it often. BUT, not Italian. Sicilian dialect. I never learned how to speak proper Italian and still don't.
As years went on, my dad spoke it less and less, though.

Meeting my husband, he had only been in the US a year or so, so that's what he spoke most of the time, so that's all I heard again...Sicilian dialect.
And from then, we've been going to Sicily every year back to his house there, seeing his family, etc, etc.
I can understand hearing proper Italian and reading it, but not good at speaking it at all. The dialect is just too easy for me and I'm too lazy/not caring to speak proper.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.