I assume this is quote of an American woman, ignorant of this issue. When I say many don't know about this even there, or it seems so, pizzaboy says I know it and I'm a middle aged man. grin

Originally Posted By: carmela
That being said, I've never heard of a woman bleeding "to near death state" and a doctor saying, "here, take these pills, this should save your life and stop all that massive bleeding."

I don't think that if it happened to you, you'd be so eager to talk about it with the rest of the world, as it is with many other women. You most likely would go to a doctor, and will be told to come back if it didn't stop by day 10. You could search about it online, here is an example:

When church fights so that their insurance plans do not cover birth control, that means a woman would have to buy her own LD out of her own pocket. That means this sort of pill is not covered. Prescription by a doctor of a Catholic hospital is one thing, you being covered to get the pills cheaper is another issue. And the asshole O'Reily and many of the GOPers saying buy your own birth control pill yourself woman is another issue again.

And yes, I too had not heard a woman bleeding to acute anemia and her doctor saying "here, take these pills, this should save your life and stop all that massive bleeding." but guess what, it happened to me. Just so that you hear another woman saying that. I don't think I'd have to be ashamed of that, this is just what religious upbringing wants us to behave, so that our issues not get addressed properly.

Last edited by afsaneh77; 10/20/12 02:28 AM.

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