Originally Posted By: BarrettM
The Billy McCarthy murder, getting his head crushed in a vise until it popped, is probably the worst of all time. In medieval times they had a bone vise as well but I think it was mostly used on toes. The silly thing is Billy could have gotten away with just being beaten if he gave up his friend's name. Also, Turk Torello and Fiore Buccieris put some guys on the medieval rack. There's no medial records but discussions of it was caught on wiretap.

The skinning in Mexico is sadly true. I heard that a lot of times you can find discarded lemons at the crime scene as well, to add to the pain. Also, I did a google search on that documentary, El Sicario that someone posted on the 1st page here. I read that at one point, victims were strung up on a clothesline and dipped in to boiling water limb by limb. When a limb became soft, a doctor was on the scene to revive him, and a man would cut off those limbs. Fucking awful.

The amount of disgusting violence is out of control in Mexico. The most gruesome horror movie is an everyday scene in a lot of narc-controlled areas ( and no this isn't the whole of Mexico, not by any means ).

Last edited by TheKillingJoke; 10/19/12 01:03 PM.