Link to article about this topic, along with part of the article itself, appears below:

Please note there is an error in the fourth paragraph regarding the year of the Italian investigation: the Operazione Il Crimine culminated in 2010, not 2011.

Few Mafia members in Thunder Bay, expert says
CBC News
Posted: Oct 18, 2012 1:51 PM ET Last Updated: Oct 18, 2012 1:45 PM ET

A Calabrian Mafia expert doubts the group is criminally active in Thunder Bay, but he said a few members may live in the community.

Dozens of people flocked to hear Toronto-based author Antonio Nicaso speak about Italy's political and economic situation at Thunder Bay's Italian Cultural Centre Wednesday evening.

But Nicaso is best known for his expertise on the notorious Calabrian Mafia, or 'Ndrangheta.

Although an Italian investigation in 2011 suggested there is an 'Ndrangheta cell in Thunder Bay, Nicaso told CBC he believes it involves very few people and highly doubts they are criminally active.

He said it's unlikely Mafia leaders would try to bolster the group's presence in Thunder Bay....