Originally Posted By: ricobenes
Toodoped no it wasn't all a lie, it was highly over exaggerated though. It was made into a film because at the time, it was the only situation regarding the outfit in Vegas that was known about in great detail. The only in depth info they really had on outfit culture at the time was from the Jahoda & Cooley testimonies, and the Spilotro escapades. Plus the story greatly pertained to showbiz, so you add a little pizzazz to it, fabricate a little bit, and you've got a hell of a plot for a film.

As far as the film is concerned, I was very disappointed, I felt like they covered the dumbest, most irrelevant storylines from that situation (I mean who gives a shit about tony banging some dumb jews wife?), but once again, I can't complain that much because nothing was known prior to the caps Calabrese testimony. I also felt they totally botched the accents, pesci was the only one who generally tried to pull off the Chicago accent proper, and I just felt they could have done some more research & done it a bit better. But now were getting to major Outfit films, Wahlberg is adapting Cooley's "When Corruption Was King" & they are adapting Calabrese Jr's "Family Secrets" tell all, both of which should be very spot on and exciting.

Anyways my whole point was this is a "scariest mafioso ever" discussion and tony Spilotro doesn't belong in it, he was actually a very nice, well liked guy.

hey ricobenes what neighborhoods/suburbs have the most mob activity in chicago today