Originally posted by Turnbull:
Notice, too, that old think-with-his-dick learned nothing from the brothel escapade. Just a few weeks later, in Havana, he's importuning whoremaster Fredo for "one of those red headed Yolandas."
We have agreed in past threads that JD Spradlin's characterization of Geary is impeccable. The other day I was watching GF2 while doing some treadmill time and I picked up on a little dialog connection that I never heard. Anticipating the "red-headed Yolanda" line, I was paying attention to the stage dancers and the MC announces the singer as "Yolanda" something or other. I guess that is where Geary got the Yolanda reference. (We never did get to see Fred Korngold do the cha-cha.)

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12