Originally Posted By: Ted
Originally Posted By: SEAN_SOUTH
The reporter then went on to say at the end of the interview why he would go on to explain why an attack on such a target was very rare given who the target was. And that is because it is well known that the Mexicans are the most organised prison gang in the system.

Shit happens in prison and Asians are pretty dangerous with a knife. Who said being tough in prison had anything to do with brute physical force? Equipping yourself and organisation in a fight is the key.

Obviously anyone can attack anyone in or out of prison. My point is Le Eme are the biggest, baddest prison gang. No doubt they will retaliate (I'd put my money on them winning, too), but the fact that the Asians even dared to challenge La Eme is surprising. Could this mean there is a crack in La Eme's power? It will be interesting to see what develops.

Prison violence is a sort of tit for tat game. The southern mexicans have the numbers and organisation, but thats not gonna stop the other groups from defending themselves. Also the prison goes into lockdown after incidence like this so its not like there able to freely walk around stabbing each other. It actually requires a bit of planning especially an organised assault like the ones the asians did. If the prisons in lockdown it makes business that much harder to do.