Originally Posted By: Feech_La_Manna85
Originally Posted By: JCrusher
The biggest fantasy is how strong they made jersey. In real life jersey mafia is weak compared to the new york mafia. In fact jersey is referred to and treated like the minor league mafia

JCrush, I think we had this conversation in another thread. What exactly would you have liked Chase to do?? Most people on this board liken the Lupertazzis to the Gambinos and the Demeos/Sopranos to the Decavalcantes, so im curious to know how you would have liked to it to have gone down?

Yes we did and you seem to have a big problem with what i have said. No i didnt want them to make a shitty show Feech. For example the Tony B situation was handled great because jersey was terrifed of going to war with new york. However and the end of the series jersey beats new york which is im sorry impossible. I mean i just felt they could have made it interesting without trying to make jersey a powerhouse mob family