Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
Whilst watching my tape of SNF featuring the Packers v Texans yesterday with my middle boy Andrew he raised a very interesting point.

He wanted to know if it was a proper NFL game and i said it was and why was he asking that?

Oh he replied, it was just that there were so many white guys playing he thought it wasn't a proper game!!

From the mouths of babes....even if he is 12 tongue


It reminds me of the time when my younger boy was in first grade and was trying to answer a question from a woman from another state. She wanted to know what we called the advanced and proficient students placed in a higher learning program.

Thinking that her obnoxious brat belonged, she asked my son, "Do they call them gifted? Honors? advanced?"

He looked confused, so she said, "What do you call the really smart kids in your school?"

He then smiled confidently and replied, "Oh! We call them Asians."