I'm just amazed at the TOTAL lack of offense. Cano sets a MLB record for the most consecutive at-bats without a hit (26 and counting)? Not to mention Kuroda throws 7 2/3 innings of great baseball on 3 days rest! The pitchers can't do any more at this point short of grabbing a bat themselves. Absolutely PATHETIC.

And what did the Yankees brass do in the offseason last year when hitting was a problem for them then too in the postseason? Oh, that's right, trade their best hitting prospect for a pitcher who didn't even make it out of spring training. What's next? Try doing something smart this year: let Swisher walk and resign Ichiro (at least for 1 more year), try to trade A-Rod (even if you have to eat a big part of his salary) and bring up Nunez or Dickerson full time and give them some big league at-bats or see what's brewing in the free agent market. I know Josh Hamilton's available but I'm not sure the Yankees want to travel down that path, in part because he didn't exactly finish the season sizzling and who know's what salary demands he's going to make?