Great post very educational stuff. Jos Di Maulo very well could be leading Montreal, I don't think either he or Desjardins would attack Vito's family like that. I think Sergio Piccirilli is one of the aggressor's here in the turmoil. But I'm just speculating, I don't have facts. Interesting to see how these recent testimonies by Nicola Di Marco and Lino Zambito will be dealt with. There haven't been too many testimonies by people with intricate knowledge of Montreal and Rizzuto's since Oreste Pagano. Again great post, have you ever spent time in Italy? I've been to a few of the places you mentioned like Padua, Agrigento. Padua has great Polenta, frickin freezing in Winter/Spring though.

Last edited by AntonioRotolo; 10/12/12 03:18 PM.