To update: My roommate and I still aren't talking. Last night she came in at midnight and started talking to her boyfriend on the phone. She thought I was still sleeping. I would have been, if she wouldn't have been the loudest person on Earth. Anyway, she called me a loser. It's really taking all my strength not to walk over there and punch her face in.

At the moment, we're having a Windows Media Player war. I'm winning. I'm playing all the music she hates - Johnny Cash, Metallica, The Darkness, Taking Back Sunday. She's got a minor problem, because theres no such thing as music I hate. Besides Country and Rap, and I can even tolerate those under certain circumstances. wink tongue AAHAH I just remembered she HATES Free Bird (who hates freebird? honestly?) I'm so playing it...

XDCX, I hope you feel better [Linked Image]

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club