I certainly think his days are numbered, but he's no idiot and its not like we're all speculating on something he doesn't already know. He's got something in mind, though. Fact. And I suspect the plan was already set in motion before he got out.

In my opinion, building his empire and being back on top is not his priority. He's got one thing in mind and that's revenge for the deaths of his father and son.
Before his body drops, he's going to take his revenge on as many as he can. But it won't happen yet. Sicilian men are patient with revenge. They have old souls, long memories, no forgiveness, and the anger never subsides or lessens. 5 years from now, he'd be as angry and vengeful as the day he heard the news. If I were to wager, I'd say his revenge is coming, but not yet.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.