
I was finally able to find a working computer in my school with interenet access. I lost my internet with the storm along with my power and sometimes i think my mind went along with it. The storm wasn't that bad. I was worried my sliding glass windows would crack under the stress of Wilma's winds but they held.
The problem was the post storm situation. The government in many levels messed up. Sure, not as severley as in past cases as Katrina, yet false locations for Points of Ditribution were given, and of course FPL (Florida Power & Light) has had it's many weaknesses expoed such as it's faulty gridding system. Hell, my neighbrods had power last Friday while i had to wait until the following Monday.
The cold showers weren't that bad, and the reading time i got put me ahead of where I was expecting to be. I've read Shaw's "Pygmalion"; Chandler's "Farewell, My Lovely"; and Expurey (Spelling?) Le Petite Prince. All excellent works...
The problems were the nights. Nights of boredom with not a think to do. We had a radio and a TV that was powered by batteries. Boy, I had never been so glad to see six inches in my life! Of course, I never watched... I discovered exactly how far Television has gone to the shitter.
And of course, the sleep was tough. It wasn't the heat. In fact, it was quite chilly following the storm... It was a damned gas line that was up at all hours that was next to my house. Loud Cubans bitching, honking their horns and cursing. I nearly went out with my Dad's shotgun.
And of course, I never want to see Spam, Vienna Sauseges or anything canned for the next few days.
Acctually, I had some damned great meals as restauraunts in my area opened.
I went around the area and discovered how strong Wilma was. A storm we had thought was going to weaken was stornger that i had anticipated. Sure, no buildings were levels. I didn't have to build an ark and no, The American Airlines Arena had no reports of rapings... But it wasn't no picknick.

After this though, I stick to cold showers. No use in ghetting used to Hot Showers considiering how active the next hurricane seasons will be.

Madness! Madness!
- Major Clipton
The Bridge On The River Kwai

GOLD - GOLD - GOLD - GOLD. Bright and Yellow, Hard and Cold, Molten, Graven, Hammered, Rolled, Hard to Get and Light to Hold; Stolen, Borrowed, Squandered - Doled.
- Greed

Nothing Is Written
Lawrence Of Arabia