Originally Posted By: carmela
Well wherever he decides to stay now, for certain his final resting place is back in Agrigento. lol

Members of the Manno-Cammalleri-Rizzuto clan have crypts in one wall of a mausoleum in the Le repos Saint-Francois D'Assise cemetery in Montreal. (I forget the name of the mausoleum, which began with Pais -- I should have taken better mental notes.)

Joe Lo Presti is also entombed in a crypt in the same mausoleum mentioned above. His corner crypt, approximately five feet from the floor, is on the right-hand side of a wall of crypts that is across the aisle and to the left of the wall that contains the crypts for the aforementioned clan members. Although the proximity does not provide any conclusive evidence about who Lo Presti's killers were, I have come to strongly believe that Lo Presti was killed in Montreal at the hands of Gambino members at the request of John Gotti, who of course consulted the Bonannos first -- this theory, for me, is the most plausible (but this is another subject for another time.)