Originally Posted By: Toodoped
Im not flamin or anything,but its nice just to sit back and say that you need more informative articles...and belive me youre not the only one

I need less of the informative articles... I can google them or go on numerous other sites set up just for that.. Just saying... This site will do fine enough without people thinking they are the ministers of information on organized crime by finding the most obscure article on OC and think it'll somehow get them ahead in the forum world.. It has driven those that have actual insider info and/or insight away. It's well intentioned but tiring. On the other hand there are posters who literally come on here and think bc they read selwyn raab's "five families" they can debate IvyLeague or pizzaboy or try to debate carmela...It's such ashame bc these r the guys that literally keep this site interesting... I'm done ranting and I appreciate the positive feedback even tho I'm not "one of the boys". Lets get back to OC

"There is no hunting like the hunting of man and those of us who have hunted armed men and like it, care for nothing else thereafter." -Ernest Hemingway