The link below is an interesting podcast with long time montreal mob writer Paul Cherry talking about Vito.

Another interesting article speculating who some of Vito's biggest allies are as he returns

MONTREAL — Mafia don Vito Rizzuto will have at least four loyal allies when he gets out of a Colorado jail Saturday to take over his crumbling family, sources tell QMI Agency.

Rizzuto, likely marked for death amid a three-year purge of his family and Mob associates, will need all the help he can get from the likes of childhood friend Rocco Sollecito and street-gang kingpin Gregory Wooley, sources say.

Sollecito, 64, is a lifelong member of the Rizzuto inner circle and has been in charge of the family's construction interests.

Upon his release from prison last year, he bunkered down in his luxury home north of Montreal, protected by bodyguards and surveillance cameras.

He was arrested last summer for violating conditions but is scheduled to get full parole next Thursday, a few days after Rizzuto hits the streets.

Sources tell QMI Agency that Sollecito is likely the Mafia don's strongest ally, loyal "in life and to the death."

Another friend is former Hells soldier Wooley, who served time with Rizzuto just before the don was deported to the U.S. in 2004.

Wooley is a protege of jailed biker boss Maurice "Mom" Boucher and is one of the few Hells Angels of African descent.

Aside from Sollecito and Wooley, sources say Rizzuto can still rely on the services of Francesco Arcadi, who took over family operations after Rizzuto was sent to the States to serve time for a 1981 mob hit. Arcadi is currently serving a 15-year prison term.

Another ally, sources say, is Liborio "Poncho" Cun trera, son of Rizzuto associate Agostino Cun trera, who was killed along with his bodyguard in June 2010.

Last edited by Giordano; 10/04/12 10:30 PM.