Have you been listening he's not playing mobsters again get over it. [/quote]

Do you talk to him directly on a day to day basis? What I am saying is the guy would fit the role perfectly. Who the fuck else looks as close to this in Hollywood?

This is what Frank would look like in a movie.......

Yes or no? If you say no, you are blind. It is too perfect!

He does i'm not denying that but to me at least he shouldn't be playing mobsters anymore seeing him play one for six seasons is too much for me . No i don't talk to him on a day to day basis but he's said himself he wont be playing mobsters anymore . [/quote]

There is not another big time actor in Hollywood that looks like Frank Calabrese the way that James Gandolfini does. No one is gonna do the character justice as much as James would. As we both know Hollywood loves to glamourize mobsters. James would do that perfectly for Frank Calabrese Sr. [/quote]

That's hollywood for you. Pesci looked nothing like DeSimone and that was a great portrayal . Ray Lliotta is gonna play DeMeo and he looks nothing like him.