The main distrubution of drugs to the US goes through Mexico and they've also seized control of the methamphetamine market as recently highlighted by the big Outlaws MC bust in Philly.

They're the most powerful force in organised crime in America today on a street level and they do have members in and outside the prisons. They exert their influence because the criminal fraternity at one point or other will have to negotiate jail at some point and to do so they will feel the wrath of the Mexcian Mafia if they do not do there bidding on the street.

The Mongols MC as well as all the Mexican street gangs in the California area are under the sphere of influence of La Eme. They are top of the food chain and the only organised crime syndicate seriously capable of going to war if need be.

La Cosa Nostra barely even carry out hits anymore, if at all and are into semi-legitimate fraudulent ventures where they keep a low profile. They scare no-one and Le Eme barked them out of LA years ago like the Mickey Mouse Mafia they were.

The only thing that keeps the wiseguys going is politcial connections. on the street they are a laughing stock.

Last edited by SEAN_SOUTH; 10/02/12 12:49 PM.

'So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” Anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker. It’s a simple philosophy, but it’s always worked in our family.'

George Carlin