Originally Posted By: Antonio
Just out of interest if somebody could answer this question. How big is the mob these days when it comes to drug dealing. I mean it's not like it was in the 80's right? With the pizza connection. How pervasive are they in the drug market and if they still are to a certain extent, which are the main families. For example does the Philly mob control a lot of the drug trade in Philadelphia? Do most of the small and big crime families are into narcotics in some way?
I'm not sure about everywhere, but i know here in Boston, about 4 years ago the son of a Boston mobster who was killed was busted because the pizza shop he owned was selling cocaine out of the basement and was importing it the same way in the tomato paste cans. They raided his house and found a couple guns including uzis with scilencers.

"Death is the answer to all problems. No man, no problem."

"I'd rather be hated for who i am, than loved for who i am not"