So. The other night, I was walking back to my room after class.. (It's a late one, so it was 10PM).. and unfortunately we have to walk past several guys rooms. This night, one boy was exceptionally drunk already, and his friend was having fun with it. He asked if me and my roommate would go into the room and help them put their shoes on. I promptly retorted with a "Fuck you" and kept walking. They yelled it back, and threw their shoes at us. I called one of them a raging alcoholic dick. Want to know what his witty response was? "At least I have a dick."

Clarification - I'm a girlllll. I don't haaavvee oneee.

So I assured him that if I had a dick, I would most definately bone him.. no worries. smile

rolleyes wvu........ blah.

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club