There was a bit of controversy leading up to the removal of my cast. I was supposed to have it removed this past Friday, but my doctor very conveniently went out on sick leave that Friday. So I got a phone call on Friday at 1:30 from the doc's office, telling me they had to reschedule my appointment. Now realize that I had been counting down the days leading up to this point, and I was ecstatic to have my cast removed. They tell me they gotta reschedule it to Monday. Well, I tried to maintain my composure...but failed brilliantly. I think there were some words I screamed at that secretary that don't even exist. lol Well, she rescheduled it, I slammed my phone down, and was just a generally unpleasant person to be around for the next couple days.

So Monday finally comes, I drive up there, and I immediately recognize the secretary I yelled at (she was the only one that wouldn't speak at me, look at me, or even acknowledge I was there). So I walked up to her, apologized, told her why I yelled, it wasn't her fault, yadda yadda yadda. So then I go into the room to have my cast removed. He cuts down one side, then the other, then separates it with some little gadget. He tries to pull it off, and it won't budge! So he cuts a little more, pulls (all the while I'm sitting there, whimpering like a little girl lol ), so finally he says "Ok, I'm gonna pull the cast, you pull your arm." So I'm pulling with every bit of strength I can muster out of my poor mangled arm, and it still won't come off. So I finally get fed up and just rip the damn thing apart. lol He takes X-rays, everything is nice and healed up. So the doc puts a foam stabilizer on my hand, and wraps two Ace bandages around it, so it's even bulkier than before.

"Growing up my dad was like 'You have a great last name, Galifianakis. Galifianakis...begins with a gal...and ends with a kiss...' I'm like that's great dad, can we get it changed to 'Galifianafuck' please?" -- Zach Galifianakis