Link to article about this topic, along with part of the article itself, appears below (please note that OPP is an initialism for Ontario Provincial Police):

OPP commissioner disputes claims that organized crime is worse in Ontario than Quebec
Richard J. Brennan, National Affairs Writer
Toronto Star
Published on Wednesday September 19, 2012

Claims that organized crime has suddenly mushroomed in the province or has infiltrated Ontario politics are an exaggeration, OPP Commissioner Chris Lewis says.

“I don’t think we have a glaring organized crime problem that is bigger than Quebec,” Lewis told the Toronto Star on Wednesday.

The head of the Ontario Provincial Police said organized crime “without a doubt” exists in Ontario, but is not to the degree that some are suggesting.

Lewis was commenting on a Toronto Star story in which the RCMP and security experts said organized crime has spread its tentacles throughout Ontario.

RCMP Supt. Kevin Harrison warned that the Ndrangheta Mafia organization is now a national threat and that its power base is in the GTA. Retired RCMP chief superintendent Ben Soave told the Star that Mafia groups in the GTA are “probably more active (in Ontario) than Quebec” and have a large sphere of influence, including political leaders and law enforcement officials....