Originally Posted By: Camarel
Originally Posted By: Wilson
Originally Posted By: mr. soprano
I've been rewatching The Sopranos over the last couple of weeks, and there is something that caught my eye. I've done a search here to see if it's been discussed before, but didn't find anything. I'm refering to the scene in the final episode of season one where Artie confronts Tony with a rifle. I get that they are friends, but i find it hard to believe that The Boss of a crime famliy would just ignore/forgive/forget having a gun pulled on him in a strip club's parking lot. In addition, what would stop Tony from thinking Artie was gonna rat him out to the FEDS? In that scene there is enough cause/reason for Artie to be sleeping with the fishes. So why isn't he?

Its a tv show.

Obviously he's aware of that as he said he's been watching the show and had some questions thus why he is asking those questions on a forum about the sopranos it's called discussion .

lol I know.

Sorry for being a smart ass. First of all to answer his question it must have came down to the fact that Tony felt he had to not do anything cause he had a big heart for one person in his life, which would have been Artie. I mean look at how Tony never even really tried to get Artie involved in the MOB life. HE always respected the fact that Artie wanted to be an owner of a restaurant and a cook. Tony easily could have thrown temptation in Arties face big time, but he never did that.

Now in real life he would have been murderered but this is the Sopranos we are talking about.