The shadow of the godfather Vito Rizzuto (which should leave the prison in Florence Colorado, after serving a 10-year sentence for his involvement in the murders of three lieutenants of the Bonanno clan committed in 1981 in New York in just over a month) seems to stretch on arson attacks suffered by the entrepreneur Domenico Arcuri, which over the past 10 days have been destroyed three vehicles.

In August, a Molotov cocktail was thrown at a commercial building owned by another company which holds shares Domenico Arcuri.

According to police sources, this could be the "gift" that close friends of the Sixth Family wanted him, waiting for his godfather, returning to Montreal, take back control of the Mafia family.

Domenico Arcuri is known to the police that in the course of anti-mafia Colisée intercepted him several times.

Arcuri, that even before the outbreak of the war of the Mafia in Canada had disagreements with Rizzuto, is shown, along with Joe Maulo, Raynald Desjardins, Salvatore Montagna and, as one of the men would put in check the Rizzuto.

Subsequently, as a result of internal dissension, Desjardins was the victim of an attempted murder. A few months after Montagna was lured into a trap and killed.

Desjardins for murder and four other people were arrested.

Until recently nobody would have bet on the return of Vito Rizzutoa Montreal, now there are many who believe that the boss will come back to take his place and avenge his family killed.

The tam tam the return of the boss persistently circulating in Italian circles, where it is said that the same family members Arcuri have tried to bring the Rizzuto loyalists to come to some sort of truce.

However, too much blood has been shed. The men who remained faithful to what was certainly the most powerful mafia family Canadian, encouraged by the imminent release of the boss, seems to have unceremoniously rejected the peace proposal of the opponents of Rizzuto.

A signal that can be read only as the determination of the clan to regain possession of the land, even at the cost of unleashing a bloody mafia war.

Moreover, as learned by the investigators, Vito Rizzuto was confided to a cellmate its expansionist ambitions that would see it projected a leadership role that would go well beyond the boundaries of what until recently was the territory dominated by the Sixth Family.

Gian J. Morici