Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011

Interesting information.
By the way, even though I don't want to start a political discussion and I am not a communist, I can't help noticing that before the 90s those characters, such as Mogilevich, Usoyan etc. were at least regularly sent to prison where they belonged, while now they are all "respectable businessmen". So much for the so-called "liberation of the country" by Gorbachev. From communism straight into the hands of the mafia. Don't know which of the 2 is more sinister.

In communism people got sent to prison for completely nothing sometimes. Such as starting in the early years when communism started you got sent to the Gulags for owning a property. During the WW2 you got sent to prison just because in the war the German army had forced you to join their lines and fight on their side, so when the war ended you got sent to prison due to that. If you went to the countryside and for example brought to your place a bag of potato's and sold it to your neighbor, you also got sent to prison. That's the communism system of prisoning people.

Originally Posted By: TheKillingJoke

Mogilevich Torture chambers

These torture chambers were ran in Prague by members of Mogilevich' organization ( mostly Ukrainian Jews I thought)

Many of the facts in that article I find untrue, for example the friendship between Mogilevich and Elson. The same goes for Mogilevich buying out Ivankov, when that actually was Ivankov's lawyer. As well as Ivankov sitting in a Siberian Prison, while he actually sat in Moscow. You shouldn't fully trust that article.