Thanks, TIS. I had seen some of those bloopers before, but some were new (like the Bette Davis ones).

I am reminded by seeing Bogart with Billy Halop (above) of the Dead End Kids in "Angels With Dirty Faces". One of my favorite pieces of Hollywood inside info comes from this movie. The Dead End Kids were just starting to make it big in show biz and they were a rowdy bunch of kids. They were terrorizing the set of the movie (even allegedly stealing Bogart's pants) and then they tried to pull that stuff off with Cagney. Cagney, had been a street-tough kid himself some years earlier, and he straight-armed Leo Gorcey after Gorcey tried some hijinx. The Boys behaved themselves afterwards.

If you remember the movie, the Dead End Kids are playing a game of basketball (rather roughly) and Cagney comes in to referee the game. He was slapping the kids around (in real life, too). lol
