"True!I dont know why ppl cant understand this....THERES ALWAYS A TOP SPOT!!!no matter if it exists or not,theres always a top guy!"

- I understand that you don´t understand. You seem confused.

"Voting?!?!?LOL(yes theres voting but every1 first waits for the top guys decision)...i mean we are talking about ego maniacs,mafia bosses and they care only about power and money,and some guys here will say"Give me a proof,give me a proof,or you read wikkipedia""

- Well yeah. To claim something without being able to prove it should be formulated in a different way than how you are formulating stuff. And please name your sources or paste the whole article into a post. Not only parts of it that suits your purposes.


- If I´m a fool, then what are you?

"i mean stop reading articles written by some schmucks or read books or watch movies,some of you got it worng!Yes you can read articles but only on history,you cant find book about everydays life on the streets,belive me it ownt be true!I can see that some guys here never walked the streets,just imagine the streets infront of their computer or book or whatever and yall belive in honor!Go outside a lil bit!Feel it!But if yall over 25,than youre late,sorry and stop buzzin nonsence...and go write some book on the basis of Joe Bonanno's fake memoars""

- What are you basically trying to say here? Could you rephrase that please? Should we stay inside and write a book or go out and "feel" the streets?

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