Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: Toodoped
How much is a pack of Marlboro Gold ova there?

If you're asking about New York, I see them for @12/pack. It wasn't that long ago when I used to pay $12 for a whole carton!

The taxes on cigarettes (especially in places like NY) is creating the market for bootleg (buttleg?) ciggies. The gangs dealing with this market stand to make big bucks (relative to the punishment if caught).

I don't smoke anymore but when i did i smoked mayfair it's ridiculous how much they go up in price. When i started (4 and a half years ago) it was £.1.99 for 10 i saw the other day they're now £.3.46 for 10 i know it's been a while but that's ridiculous imo.