Interesting comment written by some dude on yahoo groups-american mafia.....

I can understand a respected Mob pioneer like Morello being called in to
arbitrate out of town squabbles, but how could he possibly be expected to fairly
arbitrate beefs in New York where he had a stake. Suppose someone had a beef
with Morello. It would be like having issues at the job and you find out that
your boss and your union rep are the same guy. It wouldn't work. Why do we
knowingly mangle the language? If someone is meant to be the Supreme Arbiter why
do we continue to call him the Boss of Bosses. A boss and an arbitrator are two
different things. Who would kill or strive to be an arbitrator? And who would
accept the counsel of someone who murdered the previous arbitrator?
> > Lets go thru the period of 1890-1928.
> > 1890-1910 Morello. The originaL BOB. Where did his authority come from? Did
he arrive in the US with the title? It is the equivalent of George Washington
arriving on the Mayflower and being given the title of President. President of
what? At what point did the other Bosses feel the need to appoint a Supreme
Arbitrator? The American Mafia was just getting established. What was there to
be Boss of Bosses over? There was one family in New York and Morello was it's
leader, so I guess you could definitely argue that Morello was the BOB of New
York. Fair enough. But the rest of the country? How could things have evolved so
quickly? There would have had to be meetings, conferences, and conventions.
Transportation and communication was not nearly what it is today. These guys
were starting from scratch. They had organizations to start up and run. It would
be like the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock and deciding that they needed a
National Government. I don't dispute the fact that Morello advised bosses in
other cities. It would make perfect sense for arguing parties to consult a
respected out of towner who had no dog in the fight. But that situation sounds
rather informal, which makes sense. It is the man that is trusted, not the
title. What is the need to elevate Morello's status to be Boss of all Bosses. He
ran his family, and provided non-binding arbitration to outside families. We
like to ask for facts to be proven here. So I ask what proof do we have that
Morello was ever truly appointed as Boss of Bosses. I find a lot of reasons to
find this scenario highly improbable. Boss of the only Family and therefore the
New York Mafia, sure. The American Mafia? I don't see it.
> > 1910-1928 D'Aquila. Other Families were forming and with them came inter
family violence. Clear evidence that no one was running the show. also in the
face of Camorra violence there is little evidence of a united Mafia front.
wouldn't a Boss of Bosses been the one to marshall the forces. This didn't
happen. To say that he was supposed to be The Head Arbitrator makes no sense,
because he couldn't be expected to rule fairly when his interests conflicted
with those of other families. He would no longer be arbitrating but bossing. The
very thing that we say he was not supposed to be doing. And then he was killed.
> > So at what point of time was the role of Boss of Bosses an effective
governing position? I argue that the data shows that it really never was. It
seems particularly misleading to claim that in the formative years of the
American Mafia a certain few men were the Boss of Bosses, but by that we mean
Supreme Arbiter. And they were all from New York which means that arbitration
with other New York Families would have been imposing your will or bossing
them. That is not an effective or logical paradigm for leadership, and because
of that no true leadership existed. to say that the Boss of Bosses system was
replaced by the Commission is in effect making the argument that there truly was
a Boss of Bosses system. Well if that is the case what is it's origin? How did
it come to be? Who were it's Founding Fathers? What did they envision?
> >
> > If by self-preservation you mean that Luciano saw no future in continuing
to participate in this violent hodge-podge so be it. We all agree about the
enormously important role New York played in the American Mafia. The Commission
brought order in an intelligent way to New York, a reasonable and fair way of
settling disputes. We know it's origins, and it is logically sound. Neither can
be said about Boss of Bosses. so how can we be so sure that they ever existed.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good