Originally Posted By: DeMeo
Originally Posted By: NickyEyes1
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Carlo was the true Godfather no doubt about that. The most powerful boss in New York today has to be Cefalu or Crea. Bellomo would be up there but he's not technically 'boss'. Hell no one really knows anything when it comes to the Genovese's.

id say quiet dom and benny eggs are the 2 highest guys in the genovese

You forgot Barney Bellomo, Mario Gigante and Daniel Leo. I'd also think that Larry Dentico is higher then Quiet Dom, as Larry was official consigliere whereas Dom was acting. I also figured due to Dom's health, he remains capo - although with lots of power.

Couple of questions. Leo is due out of prison soon. I heard he was dropped as Acting Boss. Is he still high up? Also I assumed Mario Gigante was retired. And how active is Quiet Dom?

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone