I like it on Conan O'Brien when he pulls that lever, and you watch like a 20 second clip of Walker.. I die laughing everytime.

Conan is a funny funny man.

Originally posted by: DonMichaelCorleone

Bogey once classes start you won't have time for partying all your free time will be with the books (or on the message board lol)

Go meet some other girls, stay away from the college guys
Eh, I'm on day 4 of classes here, and I'm still miserable. Absolutely nothing to do.. except go to Shooter's and get plastered and get pregnant by some guy who you don't even remember.

No lie- I was walking out of the dorms today to go find some food, and there was this girl talking with about 4 or 5 other girls and she said.. (again, no exaggerations here) "OHHH MYYY GOOODDD YOU GUUUYYYSSS. THE LAST THING I REMEMBER FROM LAST NIIIIGHT IS LAAYING DOWN IN BEED MAAAKKINGG OUT WIITHH HIM.. AND, LIIIKEE HE WAS TOTAALLYY THERE WHEN I WOOKEE UP THIS MOORRNNINGGG.. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK HAPPENNEEDD??"

... you got drunk and had sex with a random guy.

I wanted to slap her.

That's how most of the people here are. Me and my roommate have made a few friends... but none of them are straight edge like us.. They drink.. or smoke.. or both. But they're at least moderate about it. There's people here who go out every night and come back at 3 in the morning (i know because my window is right above the doors to get in). I don't know how they do it, and still pass.

I wanna go home.

Gah, alright I guess I'm done ranting for now.

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club