I think I posted this already but, here we go:
Where the Caffe Milleluci used to stand on 18th Ave. in Bensonhurst there is now a Dunkin Donuts. All media connected that to the disappearance of the mob from Brooklyn.

In the summer of 2009 I was walking in front of that store with some friends and guess who did I see having a donut? Tall Pete Inzerillo talking with some other guy.
Same summer, during the Santa Rosalia Soccer tournament held at the New Utrecth High School I saw Mr. Inzerillo again supporting the Sons of Palermo team (they won).

During the actual feast, I met one of the organizers, later arrested for being an alleged Colombo associate, Mr. Angelo Spata (small guy, second from left):

During the same feast (yes, it was an interesting week) I witnessed The bald guy on the left getting into a fight with a Throw-The-Arrow vendor in front of the Caffe Italia. They were divided by a bunch of guys in less than 20 secs.
The attacked, an African-American guy in his mid-20s, was later told to leave the area by both parties (friends of baldy and the owner of the ball vendor himself)...just in case.
Apparently Baldy didn't appreciate the fact that the guy was rushing him to throw the arrow and didn't allow him to concentrate.

If I had a nickle for every ethnic slur used by the bald guy during the -short- fight I could afford to have dinner with Obama.